Thursday, December 2, 2010

WWI is hosting an Argentine Film Festival!

Oscar Winning & Oscar Nominated Argentine Films at Whistling Woods International this Friday & Saturday!

Screening of the following films will happen today... i.e 3rd December
1. 11:00 am - Screening of 'La Historia Oficial' (114 min)
2. 02:30 pm - Screening of 'Camila' (105 min)
3. 05:00 pm - Brief Presentation Ceremony (20 min) followed by
4. Screening of 'El Secreto de Sus Ojos' (127 min) -- repeat screening on 4th December 2010

Screening of the following will happen tomorrow... i.e 4th December
1. 11:00 am - Screening of 'El Secreto de Sus Ojos' (127 min) -- repeat screening
2. 02:30 pm - Screening of 'La Tregua' (108 min)
3. 05:00 pm - Screening of 'La Hijo de la Novia' (123 min)

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